zheludov.com:/$ blog preserve-appservice-settings-during-bicep-deployment
// 2023-10-07
When deploying and updating Azure resources, ensuring no disruption to existing configurations is crucial. For Azure App Service, a common challenge arises when updating the service without altering the current appSettings. This post will walk you through a Bicep-based approach to preserve these settings amidst deployments.
Whenever we deploy changes to our Azure App Service, there's potential to overwrite existing appSettings—whether from a CI/CD pipeline, manual updates, or other automated deployments. Yet, preserving these settings is vital for ensuring uninterrupted service and retaining manually entered configurations.
By combining the declarative power of Bicep with some PowerShell scripting, we can fetch existing settings and merge them with new ones during deployment.
param (
$DeploymentScriptOutputs = @{}
try {
$config = Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $appServiceName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SiteConfig
$appSettings = if ($config.AppSettings) {
} else {
$appConfigObject = [ordered]@{}
foreach($configValue in $appSettings){
if(-not $appConfigObject.Contains($configValue.Name)){
$appConfigObject.Add($configValue.Name, $configValue.Value)
$DeploymentScriptOutputs['appConfiguration'] = $appConfigObject
} catch {
$DeploymentScriptOutputs['appConfiguration'] = @{}
param appServiceName string
param location string = resourceGroup().location
param userAssignedIdentityResourceId string = ''
param currentTime string = utcNow()
resource script 'Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts@2020-10-01' = if (!empty(userAssignedIdentityResourceId)) {
name: 'fetchappServiceConfig'
properties: {
azPowerShellVersion: '7.1'
scriptContent: loadTextContent('Get-AppServiceConfig.ps1')
arguments: '-appServiceName ${appServiceName} -resourceGroupName ${resourceGroup().name}'
output appConfiguration object = !empty(userAssignedIdentityResourceId) ? script.properties.outputs.appConfiguration : {}
param name string
module existingAppConfiguration 'retrieve-appservice-configuration.bicep' = {
var combinedAppConfiguration = intersection(existingAppConfiguration.outputs.appConfiguration, appConfiguration)
resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = {
resource appSettings 'config' = {
name: 'appsettings'
properties: combinedAppConfiguration
By fetching existing configurations and merging them during deployments, we ensure our Azure App Service appSettings remain consistent and undisturbed. This Bicep and PowerShell-based approach is just one of many strategies to ensure smoother Azure deployments. Adjust as needed for your specific use case, and happy deploying!
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