zheludov.com:/$ blog hello-world


Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone! I'm excited to launch my blog, where I'll be sharing my experiences, learnings, and insights related to coding in C#, .NET, and working with Azure.

Why I Decided to Blog

  1. Sharing Knowledge: I've always believed in the power of knowledge sharing. As I dive deep into C# and .NET, and as I explore Azure's vast array of services, I'll be sharing everything I learn right here.

  2. Community Engagement: The developer community has given me so much over the years. It's time I give back. I'm looking forward to engaging with all of you, hearing your feedback, and evolving together.

  3. Continuous Learning: Writing helps consolidate learning. As I document my discoveries and challenges, I'll be reinforcing and reflecting on my own knowledge.

What You Can Expect

  • Tutorials: Step-by-step guides on achieving specific outcomes in C#, .NET, and Azure.

  • Deep Dives: Detailed explorations of specific topics, diving deep into code and concepts.

  • Opinions and Thoughts: As I navigate my developer journey, I'll share my thoughts on best practices, architecture decisions, and more.

  • Project Showcases: Demonstrations of my personal projects, detailing the challenges faced and solutions implemented.

Let's Get Started!

In the coming weeks, I'll be rolling out a series of posts starting with an introduction to .NET 8, an overview of Azure's most exciting services, and best practices for C# development.

Stay tuned, and don't hesitate to reach out with any topics you'd particularly like me to cover.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let's code and learn together!

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